Chapter 8


The Flood Ends




The Mayim Begins to Recede




1: And the Mighty Ones [Elohim-masculine] remembered [zakar] Noah (Rest-masculine), and every [kol] living one [chay], and all [kol] the animals [bĕhemah-feminine] which ['asher] were with [`eth] him in the ark [tebah-feminine]: and the Mighty Ones [Elohim-masculine] caused to pass over [`abar] the earth [`erets-feminine] a Wind [ruwach-spirit-feminine], and the waters [mayim-masculine] decreased [shakak]; 2: The fountains [may'an-masculine] of the subterranean waters [tĕhowm-masculine] and the windows [`arubbah-feminine] of the Universe [shamayim=water over there-masculine] were stopped up [caker], and the downpour [geshem-masculine] from the Universe [shamayim=water over there-masculine] was restrained [kala'];
3: And the waters [mayim-masculine], they turned back [shuwb] from [min] off [`al] the earth [`erets-feminine], they came [halak] and they turned back [shuwb]: and after [min] the end [qatseh-masculine] of the hundred [me'ah-feminine] and fifty [chamishshiym] days [yom] the waters [mayim-masculine] were diminished [chacer].


The Ark Finds Rest on Ararat



4: And the ark [tebah-feminine] rested [nuwach] in the seventh [shĕbiy`iy-masculine/ feminine] month [chodesh-masculine], on the seventeenth [sheba' `asar-masculine/ feminine] day [yom] of the month [chodesh-masculine], upon [`al] the Mount [Har-masculine] Ararat (The Precipitation Curse Reversed)
5: And the waters [mayim-masculine], they became [hayah] diminished [chacer] and proceeded to go away [halak] until [`ad] the tenth [`asiyriy] month [chodesh-masculine]: in the tenth [`asiyriy] month, on [`al] the first [`echad] day of the month [chodesh-masculine], were the tops [ro'sh-masculine] of the mountains [har-masculine] seen [ra'ah].


The Dove Finds an Olive Branch and the Earth is Finally Dry



6: And it came to pass [hayah] at the end [qets] of forty [`arba'iym] days [yom-masculine], that Noah (Rest-masculine) opened [pathach] the porthole [challown-masculine/feminine] of the ark [tebah-feminine] which ['asher] he had made [`asah-plural]:
7: And he sent forth [shalach] a raven [`oreb-masculine], which kept going out [yatsa'] and turning back [shuwb], until [`ad] the waters [mayim-masculine] were dried up [yabesh] from off [`al] the earth [`erets-feminine].
8: Then he sent forth [shalach] a dove [yownah-feminine] from [min] him, to see [ra'ah] if the waters [mayim-masculine] had lightened [qalal] from [min] off [`al] the face [paniym-masculine] of the red ground [`adamah-feminine];
9: But the dove [yownah-feminine], she found [matsa'] no [lo] resting place [manowach-masculine] for [`al] the sole [kaph-feminine] of her foot [regel-feminine], and she returned [shuwb] to [`el] him into [`el] the ark [tebah-feminine], for [kiy] the waters [mayim-masculine] were on [`al] the face [paniym-masculine] of the whole [kol] earth [`erets-feminine]: then he put forth [shalach] his hand [yad-feminine], and took [laqach] her, and pulled her in [bow'] to [`el] himself into [`el] the ark [tebah-feminine].
10: And he painfully waited [chuwl] another [`acher] seven [sheba'-masculine/ feminine] days [yom]; and again [yacaph] he sent forth [shalach] the dove [yownah-feminine] from [min] the ark [tebah-feminine];
11: And the dove [yownah-feminine], she came in [bow'] to him [`el] in the evening [`ereb-masculine] time [`eth-feminine]; and, lo [hinneh], in her mouth [peh-masculine] was an olive [zayith-masculine] leaf [`aleh-masculine] freshly plucked [taraph]: so Noah (Rest-masculine) knew [yada'] that [kiy] the waters [mayim-masculine] had lessened [qalal] from [min] off [`al] the earth [`erets-feminine].
12: And he waited in expectation [yachal] another [`acher] seven [sheba'-masculine/ feminine] days [yom-masculine]; and sent forth [shalach] the dove [yownah-feminine]; which returned [shuwb] not [lo] again [yacaph] to [`el] him [buany more [`owd].
13: And it came to pass [hayah] in the six [shesh] hundredth [me'ah] and first [`echad] year [shaneh-feminine], in the first [ri'shown] month, the first [`echad] day of the month [chodesh-masculine], the waters [mayim-masculine] were dried up [charab] from [min] off [`al] the earth [`erets-feminine]: and Noah (Rest-masculine) removed [cuwr] the covering [mikceh-masculine] of the ark [tebah-feminine], and looked [ra'ah], and, behold [hinneh], the face [paniym-masculine] of the red ground [`adamah-feminine] was dried and desolate [charab].
14: And in the second [sheniy] month [chodesh-masculine], on the twenty [`esriym] seventh [sheba'-masculine/feminine] day [yom-masculine] of the month [chodesh-masculine], the earth [`erets-feminine] was dried [yabesh].




Noah's Family & Animals Leave the Ark



15: And the Mighty Ones [Elohim] spoke [dabar] to Noah (Rest-masculine), saying [`amar],
16: "Come out of [yatsa'] the ark [tebah-feminine], you ['attah-singular], and your woman [`ishshah-feminine], and your [singular] sons [ben-masculine], and your [singular] sons' [ben-masculine] women [`ishshah-feminine] with [`eth] you [singular].
17: Bring out [yatsa'] with [`eth] you [singular] every [kol] living one [chay] which ['asher] is with [`eth] you [singular], from [min] all [kol] flesh [basar-masculine], of flying creatures [`owph-masculine], and of animals [bĕhemah-feminine], and of every [kol] creeping reptile [remes-collective masculine] that creeps [ramas] upon the earth [`erets-feminine]; that they may roam [sharats] in the earth [`erets-feminine], and be fruitful [parah], and become numerous [rabah] upon [`al] the earth [`erets-feminine]."
18: And Noah (Rest-masculine) went out [yatsa'], and his sons [ben-masculine], and his woman [`ishshah-feminine], and his sons' [ben-masculine] women [nashiym-feminine] with [`eth] him:
19: Every [kol] living one [chay], every [kol] creeping reptile [remes-collective masculine], and every [kol] flying creature [`owph-masculine], and all [kol] that creep [ramas] upon ['al] the earth [`erets-feminine], after their families [mishpachah-feminine], went out [yatsa'] from [min] the ark [tebah-feminine].




Noah Builds an Alter/Ehyeh Promises to Un-Curse the Ground




20: And Noah (Rest-masculine) built [banah] an altar [mizbeach-masculine] to Ehyeh [I AM]; and took [laqach] of every [kol] clean [tahowr] animal [bĕhemah-feminine], and of every [kol] clean [tahowr] flying creature [`owph-masculine], and caused to ascend [`alah] whole burnt offerings [`olah-feminine] on [`al] the altar [mizbeach-masculine].
21: And Yahweh [Self-Existent One] smelled by breathing in [ruwach-verb] a soothing [nichowach-masculine] aroma [reyach-masculine]; and Ehyeh [I AM] said [`amar] to [`el] His heart [leb-masculine], "I will not [lo'] again [yacaph] curse [qalal] the red ground [`adamah-feminine] any more [`owd] because of [`abuwr] the red ground-lings [`adam-masculine]; for what forms [yetser-masculine] in the red groundlings' [`adam-masculine] minds [leb-masculine] are evil [ra'] from [min] his youth [na'uwr-feminine]; neither will [lo'] I again [yacaph] smite [nakah] any more [`owd] every [kol] living one [chay], as I have ['asher] done [`asah-plural].
22: As the Earth's [`erets-feminine] days [yom-masculine] go by [`owd], seedtime [zera'-masculine] and harvest [qatsiyr-masculine], and cold [qor-masculine] and heat [chom-masculine], and summer [qayits-masculine] and autumn and winter [choreph-masculine], and day [yom-masculine] and night [layil-masculine] shall not [lo'] take rest [shabath].


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