Chapter 3
How the Process of Dying Came into All Living Creatures
The Serpent, the Deception, and the Knowledge of their Nakedness
7 And the eyes [`ayin-masculine/feminine] of the two [shĕnayim] of them [hem], they became [hayah] opened [paqach-eyes made observant], and they [hem-masculine] knew [yada'] that [kiy] they [hem-masculine] were naked [`eyrom]; and they sewed together [taphar] fig [tĕ'en-feminine] leaves [`aleh-masculine], and made [`asah plural] for themselves [hem] loin cloths [chagowr-masculine].
Ehyeh Confronts Them & Pronounces the Consequences
8 And they heard [shama`] the sound [qowl-masculine] of Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] walking [halak] in the fenced in garden [gan-masculine/feminine] in the Breeze [Ruwach-Spirit-feminine] of the day [yom-masculine]: and the red ground-ling, [`adam-masculine], he and his woman [`ishshah-feminine] hid [chaba'] themselves from the presence [paniym-faces-masculine] of Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] amidst [tavek-masculine] the trees [`ets-masculine] of the fenced in garden [gan-masculine/feminine].
9 And Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] called out [qara'] to [`al] the red ground-ling [`adam-masculine], and He said [`amar] to [`al] him, "Where [`ay] are you [singular]?"
10 And he said [`amar], "I heard [shama'] your sound [qowl-masculine] in the fenced in garden [gan-masculine/feminine], and I was afraid [yare'], because I [`anokiy] was naked [`eyrom]; and I was hiding [chaba']."
11 And He said [`amar], "Who [miy] is he that told [nagad] you [singular] that [kiy] you [singular] were naked [`eyrom]? Have you [singular] eaten [`akal] from [min] the tree [`ets-masculine] which ['asher] I commanded [tsavah] you [singular] not to eat [`akal]? But you [singular] failed [biltiy-balah-to fail/bliy-failure] and ate [`akal] from [min] him!"
12 And the red ground-ling said [`amar], The woman [`ishshah-feminine] whom ['asher] You gave [nathan] to [`al] be with [`immad] me, she gave [nathan] to [`al] me from [min] the tree [`ets-masculine], and I did eat [`akal]."
13 And Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] said [`amar] to the woman [`ishshah-feminine], "What [mah] is this [zo'th] that you have done [`asah-plural]?" And the woman [`ishshah-femiinine], she said, "The serpent, [nachash-enchanter-masculine] he lured [nasha'] me, and I did eat [`ackal]."
14 And Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] said [`amar] to the serpent [nachash-enchanter-masculine], "Because you [`attah-singular] have done [`asah-plural] this [zo'th], you [`attah-singular] are cursed [`arar] from [min] all [kol] animals [bĕhemah-feminine], and from [min] all [kol] living ones [chay] of the field [sadeh-masculine]; upon [`al] your belly [gachown-of reptiles-masculine] shall you [singular] walk [yalak], and dust [`aphar-masculine] shall you eat [`akal] all [kol] the days [yom-masculine] of your life [chay]:
15 And I am setting [shiyth] hatred [`eybah-feminine] between [beyn] you and between [beyn] the woman [`ishshah-feminine], and between [beyn] your seed [zera'-masculine] and her seed [zera'-masculine]; he shall bruise [shuwph] your head [ro'sh-masculine], and you shall bruise [shuwph] his heel [`aqeb-masculine]."
16 To ['el] the woman [`ishshah-feminine] He said [`amar], "I am greatly [rabah] increasing [rabah] your labor [`itstsabown-masculine] and your pregnancy [herown-masuline]; in pain [`etseb-masculine] you shall bear [yalad] sons [ben-masculine]; and your craving [tĕshuwqah-feminine] shall be toward [`el] your man [`iysh-masculine], and he shall rule over [mashal] you [singular]."
17 And unto Adam (Red-masculine) he said [`amar], "Because [kiy] you have listened [shama'-masculine] to the voice [qowl-masculine] of your woman [`ishshah-feminine], and have eaten [`akal] from [min] the tree [`ets-masculine], which ['asher] I commanded [tsavah] you, saying [`amar], 'You [singular] shall not [lo`] eat [`akal] from [min] him:' cursed [`arar] is the red ground [`adamah-feminine] because of [`abuwr] you [singular]; in toil [`itstsabown-masculine] shall you eat [`akal] of her all [kol] the days [yom-masculine] of your life [chay];
18 Thorns [qowts-masculine] and thistles [dardar-masculine] she shall sprout [tsamach] for you [singular]; and you [singular] shall eat [`akal] the green plants [`eseb-masculine] of the field [sadeh-masculine];
19 In the sweat [ze'ah-feminine] of your nostrils [`aph-masculine] shall you [singular] eat [`ackal] bread and grain [lechem-masculine], till [`ad] you return [shuwb] to the red ground [`adamah-feminine]; for [kiy] from [min] her you were taken [laqach]: for dust [`aphar-masculine] you [`attah-singular] are, and to ['el] dust [`aphar-masculine] shall you [singular] return [shuwb]."
Adam Names His Wife, Ehyeh Clothes Them, and Sends Them Out of the Garden
20 And the red ground-ling [`adam-masculine] called [qara'] the name [shem-masculine] of his woman [`ishshah-feminine] Eva [Chavvah-Breath of Life]; because [kiy] she [hiyw] became [hayah] the mother [`em] of all [kol] living ones [chay].
21 And Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] made [`asah-plural] for the red ground-ling [`adam-masculine] and for his woman [`ishshah-feminine] under garments [kĕthoneth-feminine] from animal hide [`owr-masculine], and clothed [labash] them.
22 And Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] said [`amar], "Behold [hen], the red ground-ling [`adam-masculine] has become [hayah] as one [`echad] from [min] Us, to know [yada'] good [towb] and evil [ra']: and now [`attah], lest [pen] he stretches out [shalach] his hand [yad-feminine], and take [laqach] also [gam] from the Tree [`ets-masculine] of Life [chay], and eat [`ackal], and remain alive [chayay] in concealment indefinitely [`owlam]..."
23 Ehyeh [I AM] of the Mighty Ones (El Elyon/Eloah Shaddai) [Elohim-masculine/feminine] sent him forth [shalach] from the fenced in Garden [gan] of Eden (Delight-masculine), to work in servitude [`abad] the red ground [`adamah]-feminine] from where [sham] he was taken. [laqach].
24 So he drove [garash] out the red ground-ling [`adam-masculine]; and He caused to reside [shakan] at the east [qedem] of the fenced in garden [gan] of Eden (Delight-masculine) Cherubim (Guardians-feminine), and a flaming [lahat] sword [chereb-feminine] and she [the sword] turned every way [haphak], to keep guard [shamar] of the Road [derek-masculine] to the Tree ['ets-masculine] of Life [chay].